Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My B- Day and Ryan Started the fire

Today was my B-day. As I always do, I decided to take a picture of the b-day cake. Forgive me for the dark photos, I took them late at night. There is nothing like a girly birthday : )

I'm still searching for some diy photo studio tutorials. So, here a couple that seem reasonable. Lately, I'm been using a large white sheet on a clothesline but have yet to master the lighting. Hopely, one these tutorials work for me or for you.

The blog : Please excuse me while I clean my lens has a DIY Garage Studio for $33. Sounds really affordable compared to the $200 to $300 or more studios sold online. 

Here's another idea from flicker's Johnathan: DIY Home Portrait Studio . I could not show a photo here since it's copyright protected so I just linked it instead.

It's a perfect example on how to setup the lighting and umbrellas. It seems that depending your space and equipment you may have to adjust the lighting. Take a full body picture of a small children appears to require less space unlike a adult which you will need more background space. Now, for photos of just your face not as much. I'll give these a try during the weekend and hopefully I don't start a fire : ) That would be epic ! The tv show : The Office comes to mind. Specifically, the episode where the new intern Ryan stared a fire in the office with the micowave and the office had to evacuate the building.  His co-worker, Dwight kept singing Ryan started the fire which was hilarious. 

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