Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog Feature on Blogher

Today my facial steam diy tutorial was featured on blogher !
Check it out :

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

This what happened to my jacket on the weekend.
Update he past away back in Feb. 2012 . We will  always remember his cuteness : )

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

DIY facial steam

Facial at the spa are costly but effective to maintain great and healthy skin. Facial steams are a great alternative to the hefty price tags of spa facials. When done once a week you will see an improvement in your skin’s texture and reduce clogged pores. I have done this for a couple of years now and have maintained clear skin by doing this. Even if not done weekly you will still see some results.

Step 1.
Bring 2 quarts of water to a boil in a pot.
Step 2
Add your selected herbal mixture to the boiling water, cover, and then turn off the heat.
For dry skin : try rose or chamomile
For normal skin: try rose or lavender
For oily skin: try rosemary or sage
For dull or acne prone skin : try comfrey
* note even if you do not have any of these ingredients a simple facial steam without herbs will still open up your pores.
Step 3:
Let the water cool for approximately 2 to 3 minutes, uncover the pot, stir the mixture , and completely remove the pot from your stove.

Step 4:
Place the pot in a table that will allow you to sit and place your face above it about 9 inches it. Place a large towel over head and let the towel hang down around the pot in order to let it catch some of water steam or vapor. Keeping a safe and comfortable distance between your and pot, try to stay under the towel as long as you comfortably can. What I do is stay approximately a minute under the towel, take a break, and put the towel over my head once again. I do this about four to five times, in order to really open up my pores.
Step 5:
Remove your face from the pot and your done !
Either using a store purchased facial scrub or one I make at home. I then use a circular motion to cleanse my face. Lastly I rinse my face with cool water to close my pores. Some makeup artist use icy cold water in order to really tighten their pores. I use this technique only in the warmer months.
DIY facial scrub:
Make a thick paste using cornmeal and water. Or you can make a thick paste using brown sugar and honey. Make sure not overscrub your skin since this can cause irritation.
Step 6
Do not forget to use moisturizer! This is a very important step since your skin has undergone serious cleansing and you need to bring back moisture.
Hope your try this facial steam idea and enjoy pampering yourself :)
* note some people may experience a slight itching sensation after the first facial steam. This is absolutely normal. When your steam your skin reacts to increased circulation. Increasing the circulation will help give you a nature glow to your skin. After doing a couple of facial steam you will notice that this itching sensation will disappear.
Image source:

DIY Glitter Nails

Option 1
Step. 1 Use a clear nail polish to act as a base
Step 2 Use apply two coats color nail polish of your choice and allow to dry between coats
Step 3 Apply glitter nailpolish. (If you want a confettit look apply two varying sizes of glitters or glitter nailpolish to add dimension)
Step 4 Use top coat to protect the layers of nailpolish
Option 2
Step 1 Apply clear nailpolish to act as a base
Step 2 Apply nail polish of your choice (preferably coordinating with glitter)
Step 2 Use clear nail polish and while still wet using a brush or simply pour loose glitter to cover nail.
Step 3 shake off excessive glitter from nail
Step 4 Use top coat to protect the layers of glitter
*Note use paper or old magazine/newspaper underneath to protect furniture from spills and also to gather excessive glitter so you can pour it back into the container. Fold the paper longways and tilt at about 45 degree angle and shake

DIY Manicure/Pedicure

Helps diabetics to prevent crack heels and bleeding. Softens skin. Removes callouses. Exofliates.
In this recipe it is important that you use dead Sea Salts which have iodine, calcium, potassium and other minerals. These minerals are known to relieve pain in body from muscles and joints.
Ingredients: Dead Sea Salts ($10 and higher depending on brand found at beauty supply stores or online)
2 Large bowl/tub of warm water (not hot nor cold) (1 definitely must be room temperature)
4 step buffer (found at Sephora/Sally Beauty Supply costs $5)
Under nail white nail pencil (found at beauty stores I found one at Sephora $4)
Spray bottle with water (room temperature)
Soft brush

Step 1. Remove nailpolish, cut, and file toe nails
Step 2. Fill a large tub with warm water and pour about a handful of dead sea salts (as warm as you comfortably can place feet in )
Step 3. Soak feet in warm water for about 3 minutes
Step 4. Using the soft brush, in circular motions brush off dead skin
when doing this step you will notice a white substance which is dead skin cells
do this for a couple of minutes until feet are soft.
Step 5. Rinse feet with cool water.
Step 5. Towel dry feet.
DIY Polish and Shape
. Last about four weeks. Takes the yellow out of nails. Looks better than clear polish. Gives you a french nail that’s easy.
Step 1. Cut and shape hand nails using crystal glass file to prevent fraying of nails.
Step 2. File into desired shape.
Step 3. Using the buffer side of the file buff the top of the nail gently in horizontal motion. Continue until you cover all the nail area at least three times.
Step 4. Using the polish side of the buffer. Polish nail until you see a light white veil on nail.
Step 5. Using the shine side of the buffer. Shine until have a high shine look as if it was wet clear nail polish.
Step 6. Dampen Under nail white pencil tip with spray bottle.
Step 7. Under the nail, trace with white pencil the nail tips.
Now you have the perfect french nail without artificial nails or damage of polish.
DIY Hand scrub.
Step 1. Pour about two quarter sized amounts of dead sea salt on top of your hands.
Step 2. Let salts melt into your hands with your own body heat. Leave on only until fully melted. Then quickly proceed to step 4.
Step 3 . Optional : Spray water on the top of your hands to melt the salts faster.
Step 4. Rinse with cool water.
*****Note do not use salts on broken or irrated skin. Do not leave salts on hands to long or else they will cause redness, dryness of skin, or irrate skin. Only use once a week. Dead sea salts can be used for entire body exfliation only once a week. Gives you a polished glow. This tutorial was inspired by a beach trip about 5 years ago and a $90 beauty treatment spurge my mom had recently at the mall that used similar steps. I now have replicated the treatment for less than half the price :)

Image souce:

DIY Shiny Hair Rinse

Want to remove product buildup in your hair, dandruff, and have shiny hair naturally then try this reciepe. Sounds odd but this works. I’ve tried this a couple of times. Beware: It smells kind of strong.
After you shampoo your hair. Rinse. Then pour into your hair a mixture of :
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup water
Rinse. Try to tolerate the smell of the vinegar.

DIY Bombshell Shimmer Potion

Celebrities and supermodels alike always seem to have the perfect glow. The secret to that shimmery skin is in the following diy recipe.

1 teaspoon of baby oil
1 teaspoon of shimmer powder
 (use silver or pink if you’re light skinned ) (use gold if you have golden undertones)
1/2 of body lotion of your choice


Apply to areas of skin that will be exposed e.g. legs or arms. Don’t use on face. Instead use face cream and mix in luminzer to achieve that same effect.

Now you’re ready to stop traffic !!!!